Malloquin Almond Cake

Malloquin Almond Cake

This cake is fluffy, moist, delicate, full with flavour, decadent but not heavy at all! I first researched and made this after getting to know that it was my mother-in-law’s (can you say that about your bf mum?) favourite! After just making it once, it was perfected! I immediately had to remake it especially since I knew my mum would love it too. The light citrus flavour in combination with the almond really is spot on! Not to forget the way the cake melts in your mouth, especially when paired with some ice cream.

You’re in for a treat! Enjoy!

Look at that texture!!





Malloquin Almond Cake

An delicate, fluffy, moist, and absolutely amazing almond cake from the island of Mallorca! It doesn’t use any leavening agent, instead you beat lots of air into to the egg, which is a crucial ingredient. This makes the cake just as fluffy and moist as you can only dream about!

  • Author: Hanna
  • Yield: 22cm / 8,5 inch cake 1x


  • 200g / 7 oz sugar
  • 6 (medium) eggs
  • 200g / 7 oz almond flour
  • A hearty pinch of salt
  • The zest of 1/2-1 lemon
  • Optional cinnamon to taste, about 1/2-1 tsp
  • Icing sugar for topping


  1. Preheat the oven to 175C/350F. Properly grease your pan. I’ve used both a 22cm/8,5 inches pan and this with mini bundt cakes.
  2. Start with separating the egg yolk from the white.
  3. In a clean bowl, whip the egg whites stiff and fluffy.
  4. In another large bowl, whip the egg yolks and sugar until pale and fluffy. Sift and fold in the almond flour, salt, lemon zest, and optional cinnamon.
  5. Now fold in the egg white. Start with a few tbsp and once incorporated, add batch wise the rest of the fluffy egg whites.
  6. Transfer the batter to the pan(s). If you’re using a large pan bake the cake for around 40 minutes and the smaller one for 20 minutes or until a toothpick runs clean. Let cool, dust icing sugar on top, slice up, and enjoy!

Keywords: almond cake, mandelkaka, malloquin, mallorcan, mallorca, gluten free, glutenfri, nyttig, healthy



  1. Rama
    2021-08-25 / 22:45

    I wanted to try this cake and more from your blog.. can you please let me know how to grease the pam? Do you use just butter or butter and any flour like they do for normal cakes

    • 2021-08-25 / 23:13

      Most often I just grease the pan with margine or butter since I have nonstick pans. However, sometimes I like to use almond flour or fine bread crumbs because of the flavour, but it really depends on how nonstick your pan is. Hope I made sense!

Let me know what you think!

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