Caramelised Upside-Down Banana Chocolate Cake

Caramelised Upside-Down Banana Chocolate Cake

We all know how freakishly delicious caramelised banana is. We also know how delicious chocolate cake is. Lastly, we know how incredibly delicious salted caramel is. Guess what you gett when you combine the three? You get the most amazing cake ever also known as Caramelised Upside-Down Banana Chocolate Cake!

I’ve created this recipe in collaboration with Nature’s Charm, which I couldn’t be happier about. Their condensed coconut milk is not only luscious and delicious with its delicious, not overpowering, sweet coconut flavour, but also perfect and a welcomed shortcut to use for an upside down banana cake. Yum! I hope you guys understand though that all opinions are my own and completely honest because this cake is so darn good.

Anyhow, what’s extra cool about Nature’s Charm is that actually were the first company to introduce condensed coconut milk to the market. Plus, you can buy their product online pretty much anywhere regardless of what country you live in. In Sweden it’s available online at Good Store

Moving on to the recipe, this cake could literally not get any better. I’ve wanted to make an upside down kind of cake for ages since there’s something oddly satisfying with flipping over and revealing the amazing caramelised side. Naturally, I couldn’t just make a classic version, instead, I put a chocolatey Hanna twist on it because chocolate makes everything better. Plus, chocolate is beautifully paired with both caramel and banana.

This cake is seriously epic and not at all more difficult to make than a regular cake despite of it’s mouth-drooling looks. It’s the perfect birthday cake, taking a coffee with friends cake, or even for to impress someone who’s over for dinner. It’s basically a cake for any occasion that also everyone can enjoy regardless of dietary preference. 

Enough has been said about this mouth-watering cake and I’ll let the pictures take over from here. Enjoy!


This is what it looks like before pouring over the batter.



For mouth-watering photo purposes drizzled on some of Nature’s Charm’s Salted Caramel sauce.

Dripping Up Side Down Banana Chocolate Cake GIF

LOOK AT THAT DRIZZLE! If that doesn’t make your mouth water, i don’t know what does!



Aren’t the packaging of Nature’s Charm’s products simply the cutest? I for one adore cute packaging on food. It always makes me want to buy the product even more.



Caramelised Upside-Down Banana Chocolate Cake

This cake is absolutely next level. It’s sticky, caramelised, chocolatey, fudgy, sweet combined with salty, and simply gosh darn delicious yet vegan, gluten free, and pretty wholesome. This classic cake has gotten the most magical of twists with the addition of chocolate and condensed coconut milk.


  • 1/2 a can (160g / 5,6 oz) of Condensed Coconut Milk from Nature’s Charms
  • 200g / 7,1 oz / about 2 ripe bananas
  • 115g / 4,0 oz oat flour
  • 75g / 2,6 oz cocoa powder
  • 1,5 tbsp milled flax or chia seeds
  • 1,5 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp baking soda
  • A big pinch of salt
  • 300ml / 1 cup plus 3 tbsp milk of choice
  • 40g / 1,4 oz coconut sugar or other granulated sweetener
  • 90g / 3,2 oz pitted dates
  • 30g / 1,1 oz nut butter of choice
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 30g / 1,1 oz dark chocolate, melted


  1. Preheat the oven to 150ºC / 300ºF and prepare a cake pan. My pan had a diameter of 18 cm / 7 inches. Do not use a spring form since there’s a big risk that the caramel leaks. You can use both a square or round cake pan.
  2. Put the condensed coconut milk in a small sauce pan and cook over medium heat. Let it bubble away, while watching and stirring every now and then, for five minutes.
  3. Slice the bananas either into coins or length wise into three slices. Transfer the warm caramel to the cake pan and place the sliced banana with the cut side facing down into the caramel.
  4. In a large bowl mix the oat flour, cocoa, milled seeds, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  5. In a blender, blend the milk, sugar, dates, nut butter, and vanilla smooth.
  6. Add the wet to the dry and mix until just combined. Add the melted chocolate and give another stir until incorporated.
  7. Transfer the batter to the cake pan and place the cake pan on a baking tray lined with parchment in case of any leaking. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until a tooth pick runs clean. Let cool for 10-15 minuts before flipping over onto a plate. Optionally caramelise the banana using a chef’s blow torch right before serving. Serve and enjoy!


This recipe was created in collaboration with Nature’s Charms.

Keywords: Upside down banana cake, chocolate cake, vegan, healthy, gluten free, oil free



  1. Aisha
    2019-06-26 / 11:03

    Hei. I couldn’t get sweetened condensed coconut milk from here. Can I substitute it with anything else?

    • 2019-06-26 / 11:09

      Hi Aisha! It’s a tricky substitution. The only two things I think you can do is either make your own condensed coconut milk or look up a more classic recipe and use that recipes caramel sauce.

  2. Aisha
    2020-02-08 / 07:23

    Thank you Hanna. I made my own condensed milk. 😊

  3. Ana Paula Gonçalves Donate
    2023-09-26 / 09:29

    Do you know if i can find condensend coconot milk in denmark?

    • 2023-11-24 / 10:03

      Hi Ana! Sorry for the late respons, but I only go in here every now and then as I am no longer active.
      As a Swede, you may have some other brands than us but in Sweden I know that we have Kung Markatta that makes a condensed coconut milk.
      Hope you find some kind and can make this delicious cake!

      Best Regards

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