The Perfect Three Ingredient Chocolate Mousse

The Perfect Three Ingredient Chocolate Mousse

I don’t know about you, but I was a HUGE fan of chocolate mousse and chocolate pudding as a child. For some odd reason, I’d even call chocolate pudding for “chocolate piiiiing”. Well, I was a very weird chocolate pudding-loving child. Similarly, to my childhood’s chocolate pudding and mousse instant mix, this takes ridiculously little time to make. Also, I want to mention of I’m very pleased with not only the taste and simplicity of the recipe, but also the combination of two kinds of chocolate mousse, tofu and aquafaba mousse, to achieve both light- and creaminess. Heck yeah!

In contrast to the simplicity of the recipe, it looks super sophisticated, impressive, and fancy. This basically is the perfect recipe from when you’re in need of an easy, quick, sweet tooth satisfying treat to when you want to impress someone, especially with the utterly delicious caramelised nutty oat topping. Honestly, the topping is so so so good I have am considering making it its own recipe. (Edit from the future, I did and here it is)

Enough rambling,enjoy!

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The Perfect Three Ingredient Chocolate Mousse

The perfect fluffy yet creamy vegan chocolate mousse served with a beautiful caramelised nutty topping for texture contrast and additional deliciousness.



Chocolate mousse

  • 320g / 11,3 oz silken tofu
  • 160g / 5,6 oz dark chocolate, melted
  • 120ml / 1/2 cup aquafaba (chickpea water)

Caramelised Nutty Oat Topping

  • 40g / 1,4 oz roughly chopped roasted and salted nuts
  • 2 tbsp oats
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup or other liquid sweetener


  1. In a food processor, mix the tofu completely smooth. While the food processor is still running, pour in the melted chocolate and mix until combined. Transfer to a bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, whip the aquafaba as hard and fluffy as possible. It may take a couple of minutes. Then transfer around half the whipped aquafaba to the chocolate mixture and carefully fold it together. Add the rest of the aquafaba and repeat the process.
  3. Divide the mousse between four serving bowls and let set in the fridge.
  4. Make the nutty oat topping by dry roasting the nuts and oats for a couple of minutes in a pan on medium to high heat. Be careful not to burn it!
  5. Once the oats have started to get a nice nutty flavour, take the pan off the heat and add the maple syrup. Stir until everything coated and continue to stir every once in a while until crispy. Divide the topping between the serving bowls, and voilà. Enjoy!

Keywords: Chocolate mousse, vegan, dessert, healthy, gluten free, granola. with topping



  1. Georfia
    2019-03-22 / 21:52

    Would these freeze well?

    • 2019-03-22 / 22:47

      I have not tried freezing them myself, however, I sadly don’t believe the would freeze very well. You could always try, but I won’t take any responsibility for the result.

  2. Cass
    2019-12-30 / 05:35

    Do you have nutritional Info?

    • 2019-12-30 / 08:01

      I do not calorie count my recipes or anything like that, but feel free to do so yourself. :))

Let me know what you think!

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