Fudgy Peanut Flour Brownies

Fudgy Peanut Flour Brownies

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One year! One year since I posted my first recipe on my blog!  Time flies by, doesn’t it?  Soon I’ll be turning 16 and starting to attend the gymnasium (Swedish equivalent of high school), damn.

I’m celebrating it with some brownies (as my first recipe actually was a brownie recipe!)

Fudgy, Peanut flour, grain-, oil-, refined sugar-free, date sweetened, fudgey brownies!!! As usual, do I need to say anything more?

Enjoy!IMG_1104 2IMG_0945 2IMG_0900 2IMG_0935 2IMG_1085 2


Fudgy Peanut Flour Brownies


  • 2 Organic, free range eggs
  • 2,5 dl / 1 cup peanut flour
  • 1,25 dl / 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1,75 dl / 3/4 cup water
  • 10 / 120g pitted dates (or 1/2 cup of sweetner of choice I have used honey)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract/essence
  • A hearty handful of chocolate chips or chopped chocolate of choice
  • Optionally some peanuts and peanut butter for topping


  1. Preheat the oven to 175ºC / 350ºC
  2. In a large mixing bowl combine the peanut flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and the salt.
  3. In a food proccessor, mixer or in a seperate bowl using a hand mixer mix the dates, water and vanilla until smooth.
  4. In a seperate bowl wisk the eggs until only foam remaines.
  5. Add the date mixture to the dry and stir until combined. Rather carfully stir in the egg foam as well.
  6. Mix in the chocolate chips, transfer the batter to the baking tin. Top with what ever you fancy, but I truly recommend peanuts of peanut butter. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until a tooth pick runs clean. Let cool and enjoy!

Keywords: Peanut flour brownies



  1. Nicole Walstein Keller
    2021-09-06 / 00:12

    Baking SODA or baking POWDER???

    • 2021-09-06 / 07:01

      It says in the recipe baking powder.

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