
Super Easy Chocolate Nougat

Now you can make homemade delicious chocolate nougat within minutes!


  • 50g melted chocolate of choice*
  • 50g almond or hazelnut butter, other nut butter works as well
  • 4 tbsp / 30g / 1 oz almond, coconut or hazelnut flour
  • A pinch of salt



  1. Simply just mix together all the ingredients and let in the fridge or freezer for around 10 minutes.
  2. Roll into balls, optionally with a hazelnut in the center and dip in chocolate. You could also shape it into small fudge bites or pralines. Enjoy!



*I recommend using a 50%-70% chocolate as there’s no other sweeteners in this recipe

Keywords: Homemade chocolate nougat, hazelnut butter, healthy, vegan

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